Self-Care During Your Period
We hope we aren’t the first to tell you that self-care is extremely important. Because it is! And self-care is just as important (if not more so) while on your period. During Aunt Flo’s visit, you're bound to feel run down and you might not even feel like yourself. This is why self-care is so important, especially during your period. You deserve the chance to sit back, relax, and pamper yourself however you choose to do. If you can't figure out the best way to do that, then maybe try one of our suggestions!
Take a Bath
Baths can be so relaxing, especially when you're on your period. Some people may think it's gross to take a bath while it’s that time of the month, but we believe that you should do whatever you need to do to make yourself comfortable. To maximize your relaxation, try adding a few essential oils to your tub, or try a bath bomb infused with relaxing scents. There are tons of scents out there that will match whatever mood you are feeling at that time.
Watch Your Favorite TV Show
Sometimes it's the super simple activities that make you feel the best, like binge-watching your favorite show! Indulging in something that you love to watch will make your self-care day feel worthwhile. Whether it's a comedy that makes you laugh out loud, a drama that has you on the edge of your seat, or a reality show that has you questioning if you could have your own show, anything will do as long as it makes you happy!
We know, you probably didn’t think exercise would be on a list of self-care activities. But here we are! We’re not saying you should be doing any hardcore lifting or anything, we’re just saying it won’t hurt to squeeze in the gym on your self-care day. Exercising on your period is actually a great way to relieve cramps! Did you know that there are leggings that you can wear while you exercise on your period that doesn’t require you to wear a tampon to the gym?! That’s right, Ruby Love has leak-proof leggings!
Make A Home Cooked Meal
During your period you might feel more inclined to be lazy and order take-out instead of actually making a meal for yourself. But we are here to say that making a meal by yourself from scratch (or mostly from scratch) is the way to go! First off, cooking is fairly easy as long as you have a recipe to follow along with. Second, you’ll know exactly everything that is going into your meals (bye-bye gross preservatives and chemicals). And last but not least, you’ll have a sense of accomplishment after making a whole meal by yourself, which might be the ultimate form of self-care!
Want to learn more about feminine health and period underwear (or other period-proof clothing)? Check out our blog or shop our wide selection of period-proof apparel today!