Summer Camp Survival Kit
It’s June and you know what that means! SUMMER!! Finally after months of cold weather summer is just around the corner. And I’m sure you know that also means that summer camp is also fast approaching. Whether it’s you (or your daughter’s) first time going to summer camp or the 7th time going, it always seems like you forget to pack something and then when you arrive you are kicking yourself because you forgot that one thing that you promised yourself you wouldn't forget. Well, this survival kit has EVERYTHING you need (and the things that most people forget) to bring along with you for your camp travels.
Sunscreen is more important than you think! The sun is stronger than ever (thanks a lot global warming) and it can burn you so much faster. It’s important to apply sunscreen about 20-30 minutes before going outside in the sun so that you give it a chance to settle into the skin and create a protective barrier. There are TONS of different sunscreen formulas and SPF levels out there so you might have to try a few different formulas to find out what is best for you! And the most important thing to remember… REAPPLY!
Bug Spray
This is a MUST! You are going to get bitten like crazy. Those mosquitoes show no mercy and will bite you until you are nothing more than just one big mosquito bite! You're gonna need to spray yourself morning, noon, and night. You NEED it.

Period Products
No one wants to be stuck at camp without any period protection, let alone period protection that's not discreet. Let's face it, summer camp is not the all-time best place to have your period but Aunt Flo doesn't care where you are. She’s going to come for a visit whether you like it or not (but let's be real, you're not gonna like it). You want to be able to enjoy all aspects of summer camp without having to worry about changing a pad or a tampon or even a menstrual cup. And if you do want something a little more discreet that's not as difficult as a tampon, try for some period underwear and swimwear (yup that's a thing!) You can find tons of period products here!
Mini First Aid Kit
Chances are, there are going to be first aid kits in every cabin, lifeguard tower, and mess hall at your camp, but isn't the age-old phrase “better safe than sorry?” You never want to be without something like a first aid kit especially at a place where you could get scraped at any moment. This little kit should have things like bandages, alcohol swabs, and even a little antibacterial cream. Just the necessities! You never know when you'll need it.

This one might seem a little unnecessary because duh, its summer. Why would you need a sweatshirt in the dead of summer? Well depending on where your camp is (maybe somewhere up north?) the early mornings and late nights can get kinda chilly. Especially if your camp counselor is trying to get you out of bed, the best thing you could throw on over your t-shirt and just trudge along to breakfast. Trust me, you'll be happy you decided to pack a sweatshirt.
Want to learn more about issues currently affecting women and teen girls, or how to empower yourself with products like period underwear? Check out hundreds of articles on our blog or shop our wide selection of period-proof apparel today!
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