Easy Carry-On Items to Keep You Clean on the Go During Your Period

Easy Carry-On Items to Keep You Clean on the Go During Your Period

When it comes to traveling, many of us look at our period trackers to see if our monthly visitor will be making an appearance. If you’re lucky, it’ll be smooth sailing, but most of us aren’t that lucky. While there are ways to stop your period from coming, they’re not usually ideal for most of us. Of course, we usually head on vacation or a trip with tons of items stocked in our bag, but for a fast-paced vacation, you’ll often need things to be ready and on-the-go.


Sometimes it’s hard to consolidate them all into one place, but we’re here to tell you the Holy Grail items you’ll need to make that happen. Your main luggage can have all the necessities you’ll need, but there are certain types of products that will help you stay clean while being quick and easy. Dying to know what they are? Look no further!


Menstrual Cups


If you’re looking to stay quick, clean, and on-the-go, menstrual cups might be your best option. In the world of tampons and pads, menstrual cups are relatively new to the game, but they’re ingenious. Physically shaped like a cup, they are meant to be inserted into your vagina.


While pads and tampons might keep you clean, they’re not ideal as an on the go item. Both products should be changed every four to eight hours as a step towards good vaginal hygiene and to protect you from Toxic Shock Syndrome. With pads and tampons, you’d have to change them regularly, but menstrual cups can stay inserted for up to 12 hours!


Double-Sided Pads


If you’re on the go, one of the most annoying things about having to change your feminine hygiene product is taking a new one into the bathroom with you. I’m sure we’ve all done the walk where we try to hide a pad in the waistband of our pants or a tampon within the palm of our hands. For all the women who are on the go, you won’t have to do this with double-sided pads.


With Ruby Love's double-sided pads, it’s like getting two pads in one. Instead of taking a new product to the bathroom with you, all you need to do is flip the pad inside your Ruby Love underwear over and boom! You have a new pad with the same absorbency!




We’ve all had the feeling where it seems like toilet paper isn’t enough to leave us feeling fresh and clean. This is why our last must-have on the go item is a pack of wipes! There are tons of different wipes on the market. Just make sure the ones you pick up are hypoallergenic and dermatologist-tested! While brands like Summer’s Eve makes wipes specifically for women, if you're worried about testing these out, baby wipes are always an easy and safe bet!


Sometimes periods try to derail you, especially while you’re on vacation. Your menstrual cycle isn’t going to slow you down for long! If you’re traveling, it might seem challenging to feel fresh and clean with limited space and in foreign places, but it’s possible! These three items will leave you feeling fresh, clean, and ready to hop in that car or on that plane!


If you need new tools to help manage your time of the month, look no further than Ruby Love period underwear! You can also shop our wide selection of period-proof swimwear, activewear, and more!


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