YouTubers are Applying Their Makeup With What? Genius or Absurd?
YouTubers are Applying Their Makeup With What? Genius or Absurd?
Birth of Youtube and Beauty Gurus
In 2005, YouTube was born when a team of PayPal employees, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, developed the site to share videos easily. It wasn’t long until a young blogger and makeup artist, named Michelle Phan, began posting makeup tutorials under the username “Ricebunny”. By 2010, thanks to Buzzfeed, Phan’s videos went viral and so did the social video-sharing site, inspiring a whole new generation of “beauty gurus” to post their own makeup tips and product reviews.
The Rise of Viral Beauty Products to Apply Makeup
These enterprising young women helped propel unknown brands like Limecrime and JeffreeStar Cosmetics out of relative obscurity into the limelight. Thanks to tons of reviews from youtube beauty vloggers the BeautyBlender became everyone’s (not-so)-secret weapon to getting flawless coverage. There was just one problem besides how often it needed to be replaced, this godsend of a sponge also soaked up a whole lot of product.
So in late 2016 when Hong-Kong-based Molly Cosmetics released the silicone sponge, “Silisponge” beauty bloggers everywhere started tossing their old BeautyBlenders in the garbage. The genius non-porous silicone surface means that most of the foundation ends up on your face instead of trapped inside the sponge and ultimately down the sink. A creative YouTuber, Kelsey Alfred, realized after the product went out of stock that it looked an awful lot like a silicone bra insert — or “chicken cutlet” — and tested it on how well it applied foundation. This has, shall we say, sparked a bizarre new trend where beauty YouTubers are using ordinary household products to apply their makeup.
YouTubers Are Using Household Products to Apply Makeup
We’re sure you’ve probably seen the videos where beauty gurus use spoons, forks and even socks to get even coverage. But would you use tampons, maxi pads or even condoms to apply your makeup?
Beauty Vloggers Use Menstrual Products Instead of Brushes or Sponges
That’s exactly what vloggers like Chloe Morello, Beauty Vixxen and more are doing. Beauty Vixxen cleaned a condom and placed lotion inside to apply her makeup while Laila Tahri popped her beauty blender inside a condom to get the same flawless coverage. Both remarked that this method works remarkably well.
As a tongue-in-cheek joke, Ashley Blue DeFrancesco (IG: ashleybluedef) applied her foundation using an ordinary tampon. We don’t know if this could truly be a hack because it would seem that the tampon would soak up most of the foundation as well. (As Refinery29 asked, isn’t that what a tampon is supposed to do?) Perhaps, this can still be used as a backup if you forget to pack your makeup tools. And Chloe Morello stuck pads under her eyes to catch her eyeshadow fallout. (She cut the pads in half and stuck the adhesive side under her eyes with the rounded side down).
Since more and more women are discovering the benefits of period panties and ditching their old tampons and pads, these beauty hacks for applying makeup may give new life to conventional menstrual products. Condom makeup sponge anyone?
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