Spotting Between Periods: 5 Reasons It Happens
You take a trip to the bathroom. While you’re handling your business, you notice blood on your underwear. In a bout of confusion, you open up your period tracker and find out that you’re not set for a visit from Aunt Flo for at least another 10 days. What the heck is going on? If it’s not time for your period, this means that you’re spotting.
Although spotting can be harmless, it can also be a sign of something serious! Here are a few reasons why you could be spotting between your periods.
Birth Control
If you’re on birth control, the pill might be a reason why you’re spotting between periods. While many women take contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, the hormones can clearly affect the menstrual cycle. Rather, it is very common for women to take birth control to help regulate it.
With the hormones that are given off from the contraceptive, not only will it change your cycle, but it can make it irregular for some time. Not only could starting birth control cause you to spot between periods, but stopping can as well!
Ovulation is when a woman is at her most fertile. This is when the ovary releases an egg into the Fallopian tubes and waits for fertilization. Sometimes this process can cause bleeding which is why some women see spotting one to two days after their ovulation date.
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The major sign that women use to figure out if they’re pregnant is their period. This is because your menstrual cycle stops during pregnancy. What many women don’t realize is that spotting often happens in the first trimester.
They also believe that their period is irregular rather than cluing in that they might be pregnant! While spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is common, bleeding is not. Bleeding during pregnancy is a sign of a serious condition.
Uterine Growths
Another cause of spotting between periods is a growth on your uterus or cervix. These are often called polyps. While they are usually benign, the rupture of a polyp can also cause you to have spotting. While a polyp on the uterine wall would most likely have to be removed surgically, a polyp on the cervix could be ruptured any number of ways, two of which are heavy exercise and sexual intercourse.
The word “menopause” literally means a pause, or stop, in your menstrual cycle. While this is what it ultimately leads to, this doesn’t necessarily mean that your period stops right away. When a woman’s body is getting ready to go through menopause, her hormone balances once again begin fluctuating.
Although you might still be getting a period, you might even notice you have spotting in between periods or the number you have is starting to decrease. This is a red flag that your body is preparing to go through menopause.
While many of the reasons you might get spotting are harmless, it’s not something to bat your lashes at! You can’t start spotting and simply say, “Oh, this is because I was ovulating two days ago.” When you look at it, spotting is not normal, so regardless of what you think the reason might be, schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN. Your menstrual cycle will thank you!
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