What to Wear to Swimming Lessons
Knowing how to swim can literally save your life or someone else’s. And regardless of how old you are, you’re sure to find swimming great fun. In addition, it also has loads of health benefits, such as increased strength and stamina, a healthier heart, and even reduced stress. So the earlier a person learns this skill, the more value they can get out of it. If your teen daughter has yet to dive into it, no worries! Teenagers are fast learners and are at the point in their lives when they’re trying out different sports and hobbies. Why not give your teen a headstart through this post that’ll help them with what to wear to swimming lessons?
Swimwear Essentials from Head to Toe
1. Sunscreen
Many swimming lessons are held outdoors. And when your child’s skin is frequently exposed to the sun, this can cause skin damage and a host of other health problems. Yet it can be too easy to forget sunscreen, that one thing that’ll protect your child from UVA and UVB rays.
So make sure that this item is numero uno in her list of what to wear to swimming lessons. Check out these tips for maximum sun protection:
- Make sure her sunscreen has a minimum SPF of 30, is waterproof, and has UVA and UVB coverage.
- Have her wear sunscreen at least 15 minutes before she heads outdoors. She’ll need to reapply every two hours.
- If she has sensitive skin, she may want to use mineral sunscreen, which is less irritating on the skin (and more environmentally friendly!). It also works immediately to physically shield her skin against the harmful effects of the sun.
2. Hair Ties or Hair Clips
Taking swimming lessons is exciting. But at the same time, it can be daunting for your child as she takes in that wide expanse of blue (yes, regardless if it’s just a pool!) So you’d want to keep their focus razor sharp. But what if their hair keeps on distracting them and hiding their faces?
Keep her “afloat” with hair fasteners or ponytail holders (especially if she has long tresses). This allows her to focus on the swimming instructor’s words and have a clearer line of sight. Choose hair accessories that aren’t just functional but fun and funky too!
3. Earplugs
Although being in water can be bliss, it can sometimes get into your child’s ear and make her uncomfortable. Worse, it can be hard to take out and may lead to an infection called swimmer’s ear. Prevent avoidable discomfort and pain for your daughter by getting her a good pair of earplugs. Here are a few things to consider when shopping for the right earplugs.
- Ultra-soft silicone material increases moldability for more comfort and enhances the earplugs’ sealing ability.
- Flanged earplugs have plastic grips that help insert and pull out the water-blockers. Some have a triple-flange design that can fit all sorts of ear canal shapes and sizes.
- Pre-molded earplugs are best for ear canals that aren’t extra large.
- There are also special pre-molded pairs designed to allow hearing while still preventing water from ending up in the ears.
- Silicone putty earplugs can be the most effective at blocking water.
4. Swimming Caps
To keep your teenager’s earplugs from falling out, give her a swimming cap to keep them in place. But that’s not all that these caps are great for. Like hair ties, swimming caps keep your child’s hair from blocking her vision and affecting her performance. It can also make her more visible in the water, which is definitely a big help to lifeguards. In addition, it can protect her hair from getting damaged by chlorine. Some caps are even specially designed to increase speed in the water. So how do you choose which one to buy for your “little one?”
First of all, make sure the cap is the right size fit. Second, select the material depending on your teen’s needs. For instance, if your daughter wants to swim competitively later on, she may want to have a silicone swim cap, which is extremely durable. She can even use it in open water because it provides plenty of insulation. On the other hand, latex swim caps are thinner, which means they’re more breathable. Thus, they can be great for casual swimmers. Lastly, there are comfy lycra caps which are easier to slide onto the head without pulling hair. However, since lycra is a type of fabric, don’t expect your teenager’s hair to stay dry.
5. Goggles
Chlorine exposure can dehydrate your teenager’s peepers and make them irritated and sensitive to light. Wearing goggles can protect her from the harsh chemical effects and tiny dust and debris. These close-fitting eyeglasses can also provide a clearer view underwater.
However, it’s important to remember that your child needs to first get used to swimming without them. If she becomes too dependent on goggles and uses them as a security blanket, she might struggle in the pool if these suddenly come off. Just bear in mind that you’ll need to get goggles that are in one molded piece. This eliminates the risk of pieces snapping or breaking. Get a pair that your teen can easily adjust by herself.
6. Swimwear
Of course, your teenager can’t take swimming lessons without a swimsuit! This is absolutely essential in her list of what to wear to swimming lessons. The perfect swimwear will fit her perfectly and give her freedom of movement in and out of the pool. Double check that the straps don’t slide off easily from her shoulders.
Oh, but wait—what if your teen is on her period? Thanks to technological advancements, swimmers can now “keep their heads above water” with cutting-edge period apparel. For instance, the Ruby love Period Underwear offers 100% maximum leak-proof protection. Or you can check out the Ruby Love Teen Period Swimwear, with its built-in absorbent liner that can be used with or without additional protection.
Such period apparel will keep her monthly cycle from ruining her swimming schedule and performance. She’ll be able to keep learning and having fun even while Auntie Flo is around! And, of course, period swimwear needs to be cute and trendy, too, like Ruby Love’s Period One-piece in Rapid Waters, Racerback in Bae Watch, and Tank Set in Bubbles. All of these are designed specifically for aquatic activities. No swelling in water!
7. Rash guard
Rash guards are a great option if either you or your daughter won’t be comfortable having her in swimsuits. They come in either short or long sleeves and can be worn like a shirt. These very snug tops also provide additional sun protection for the skin since there’s more fabric to cover the body. And because rash guards are fitted more tightly to the body than typical swimwear, they can help reduce drag in the water and enhance movement.
Fortunately, your teenage girl can still opt to wear a rash guard, even on her period, with the Ruby Love Teen Period Swimwear Skinsuit in Black Sea or Paisley Beach or the longer-sleeved Teen Period Swimwear Resort in Black Sea. All these feature Ruby Love’s Dri-Tech Mesh technology that helps stop front, side, and back leaks and securely locks in our double-sided pad or sanitary pad in place for optional added protection.
Conquering the Tide
Swimming can help build your child’s confidence and teach her the values of self-discipline, hard work, fairness, and persistence. These will enable her to better navigate the waters of the bigger sport called life. Get her started on the right track by helping her with the list of what to wear to swimming lessons, And of course, equip her with Ruby Love Period apparel!
With Ruby Love, she’ll be perfectly geared up to overcome any “tide”—crimson or otherwise! Help her make waves even during her special time of the month. Shop our Teen Period Swimwear today!