Can Menstruation Cause Anxiety?
Did you know that women are more likely to have anxiety disorders than men? It was no surprise to us when we learned that menstruation can have an effect on your anxiety, too. The hormones in charge of menstruation (estrogen and progesterone) can affect many aspects of your life, including appetite, energy level, digestion, and yes, even your mood—but you got this! Here are a few things you can do to help ease your anxiety:
Not only does exercise help combat cramps (hello period hack!) but it’s also good for your brain! But how? Exercising is known to create endorphins, which are happy hormones in your brain that makes you feel good when released, thus helping to relieve anxiety.
No trip to the gym while on your period is complete without Ruby Love leggings! They keep you protected from period leaks and stains while you work out.
Well-Balanced Diet
A well-balanced diet is key not only for good menstrual health, but for your health in general. If you’re prone to eating junk foods during your period, you might be making your symptoms worse without realizing it. A healthy diet filled with fruits and veggies will make you feel good inside and out. But hey, a little dark chocolate here and there can’t hurt, either!
Good Night’s Sleep
A good night’s sleep can work wonders for you while you’re on your period and, in turn, will also help with some of your anxiety. During your period your body is working overtime, so it’s normal to feel a little sluggish and fatigued. Going to bed an hour early during your period will give your body a little extra time to recharge, so you’re ready to get up and take on the day! If potential stains on your sheets causes even more anxiety for you during that time of the month, you can sleep tight knowing you’re protected with Ruby Love loungewear! They’re made specifically for tossing and turning at night so you don’t have to worry about waking up to any messes.
Avoid Tobacco
Long story short… just avoid tobacco all the time. Come on, it’s 2019.
These are all good things to be doing daily, even when you aren’t on your period. But if you suffer from anxiety during your period, it’s important to keep these things even more on top of mind when going about your day. If your anxiety gets really bad, it might be a good idea to talk to your primary doctor or gynecologist about it so you can figure out the perfect solution for you. Remember… you got this!
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