What Causes Menstrual Anemia?
What Causes Menstrual Anemia?
Menstrual anemia is often proceeded by prolonged and heavy menstrual periods. Heavy periods can be defined by large amounts of blood that can soak a pad. The other symptoms that you are likely to be experiencing that can lead to menstruation induced anemia include nighttime bleeding, passing of large blood clots during your period and blood flow that lasts for more than seven days. In some severe cases the menstruation can interfere with your daily activities as well as sleep. The sudden and large loss of blood can lead to anemia.
Causes of Menstrual Anemia
There are different possible causes of menstrual anemia among women. Some of the most common causes include the following:
Hormonal imbalance
Women with hormonal imbalances are more likely to suffer from menstrual anemia during their lifetime. Changes in different hormones especially progesterone and estrogen are among common causes of anemia in adolescents. Women getting close to their menopausal years are also likely to suffer from this form of anemia. Hormonal imbalances can also be brought about by problems in the functioning of your ovaries.
Fibroids can be defined as noncancerous tumors that occur in the uterus. This complication is very common during the children-bearing years of African-American women. If no action is taken, this condition can affect the body in various ways.
When a fertilized egg is implanted outside your uterus, like in the fallopian tubes, you have a higher risk of suffering from menstrual anemia.
Use of Blood Thinners
Using blood thinners is also likely to increase your possibilities of suffering from anemia during menstruation. Blood thinners are drugs that are prescribed by medical experts to prevent any form of clotting as well as strokes, among other complications.
Use of Intrauterine Devices
The use of intrauterine devices for birth control also makes you vulnerable to having this form of anemia. It is advisable to consult with a medical professional about any risk factors you have for developing menstrual anemia before opting for this form of birth control.
This condition is common among middle-aged women who have given birth to several children. It occurs when the lining of the uterus becomes embedded in your muscular walls.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection that affects the Fallopian tubes, uterus and other organs of women.
Cervical Cancer
If you have ever suffered from cervical cancer then you are more prone to suffer from menstrual anemia. Cervical cancer increases one’s chances of being affected by this problem at one point in her life. It is common among mostly middle-aged women though older persons can equally suffer from the same.
If you think that you may be suffering from menstruation-induced anemia you should always consult with a medical professional who will diagnose and treat the condition. There's help if your menstrual anemia is caused by heavy bleeding--period panties. Period panties are specially designed panties that keep you feeling dry thoughout the day and protect your clothes from embarrassing leaks. Learn more about period panties here. Or check out different period panties here.
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