Fibroids In My Uterus. Why?
Fibroids are usually what some think of as cysts. They can affect inner, outer, or multiple layers of the arterial tissues. Usually, they only occur while your body produces estrogen. Because of this, fibroids will tend to grow until menopause. After that point, they will stop growing and become calcified in some cases. In many instances, they will not interfere with your daily life, though that can change over time as they continue to grow.
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Usually, they are non-cancerous tumors that can grow in the uterus. There are different types and different locations that they can affect. Some will grow along the inner lining of the organ, some will grow on the outer layers, and some will grow through most of the layers. A rare form called a parasitic fibroid will attach itself to a different organ and grow there. The ovaries and bladder are likely places because they are closer to the uterus. However, usually, when they affect the other organs it is because they have grown large enough on the uterus to push against other organs as well. The most common symptom is heavy bleeding during your cycle, though this can change when the fibroids become bigger. Frequent urination or the inability to urinate can be the result of a tumor pushing against the bladder and tubes. The same can happen and cause constipation as well. These are symptoms that happen later when the fibroids are larger. You will probably also experience increased pressure and pain in your abdomen as well. What Causes Fibroids in the Uterus If you are wondering what causes fibroids in the uterus, the truth is that like many conditions, it 's hard to pinpoint the cause because there simply is no one "single" cause. Fibroids are caused by the subtle interaction of some conditions which happen to be present in the body. This does not only involve physical conditions, but your emotional well-being and external environmental factors may also play a part. The fact that the causes of fibroids in the uterus are always multidimensional means that the solution must also be. While some of us may have a genetic predisposition to fibroids, in that our mother and grandmother may have had them, this does not guarantee that we will also get them. There is much we can do to alter the genetic pattern somewhat and make a difference as this is only one piece of the puzzle. Looking at what causes fibroids in the uterus, there are five main areas to consider. 1. Genetic predisposition 2. Insulin resistance and obesity 3. Having a weakened immune system 4. Eating a poor diet 5. Presence of environmental toxins and pollutants in the body These are thought to be the leading primary causes of fibroids, although, in isolation, each one is unlikely to be enough to trigger fibroid growth. It is very much the interaction of a couple or more of these factors together with other secondary issues, such as regular hormonal imbalances, taking certain medications such as steroids on a daily basis, stress and lack of sleep. How To Treat Fibroids In The Uterus If you would like to know how to handle fibroids in the uterus, there are a few options available to you, subject to your doctor's recommendation and advice. The another option which you might want to consider is using natural treatments. The very nature of fibroids means that conventional treatment, even including surgery, is not permanent solutions as they do nothing to get rid of the root causes of fibroids. On the other hand, by using a range of strategies, it is possible to eliminate what caused your fibroids in the first place and shrink them altogether. Contrary to popular belief, fibroids are not just a sign that there is something wrong with the reproductive system, fibroids are simply a symptom of an imbalance within the body. If you would like to know how to treat fibroids in the uterus, you need to use a robust, whole body approach which focuses on getting the whole of the body back to good health and balance rather than focusing on treatments which only affect the uterus and reproductive organs.
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