I Have PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), Now What?
PMS, or Premenstrual Syndrome, is a common affliction. About 85% of women will struggle with PMS symptoms at some point.There are many different symptoms pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). The best way to explain these signs is to split them into two categories, that is, mental issues and physical issues.
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Mental Issues: Many people consider Premenstrual Syndrome to be nothing more than unexpected and unfounded crankiness that hits right at the time of a woman's menstrual period. There are many other signs and symptoms that can include; 1.Mood swings This can be the worst symptom. In fact, they can keep you from having good relationships with people at home, at work or out and about in social settings. 2. Lack of concentration. Lack of concentration is also another mental issue that you might suffer from during PMS. You may find yourself "spacing out" for a few minutes here and there. You may forget names and faces. You may even have to ask people to repeat themselves multiple times. Both the mood swings and the memory and concentration issues can be traced to one thing. That thing is a change of hormone levels within your body. Your body has to release certain hormones during ovulation and your period, but sometimes it can produce too many. When that happens, it can lead to issues like the ones above. In extreme cases, it can even lead to intense depression. Physical Issues: The other category to consider is the physical problems that you can have during PMS. These include; Cramps Cramps can be the biggest problem. If they are extreme enough, they can even keep you home from work. In some cases, cramps can make you very sick with severe pains. Others are; backaches, bloating, swollen ankles and headaches can also keep you stuck at home when you ought to be out enjoying your daily life. Breast problems Another major physical complaint of many women just before their periods, during the typical PMS time frame, is breast problems. Some women develop swollen breasts; some develop tenderness, and some even develop severe breast pain. If the pain is too severe, you should consult your physician for apt medication to alleviate the pain. All of the physical problems associated with PMS can also be traced back to hormone levels. So, it's all connected to the changes that go on within your body during that time. That's why you may find that medications taken to relieve PMS symptoms don't work very well. They temporarily treat pain, but they don't regulate hormone levels.