How To Stop Your Period

How To Stop Your Period

What You Need To Know About Changing Your Menstrual Cycle


For 99% of human history, periods have been a fact of life for women. Pregnancy offered a brief respite, but only in exchange for other discomforts. In the past, only menopause would free women from “the curse,” and even that wasn't something to look forward to.


Only in the past 75 years has it been possible for women to stop having periods outside of pregnancy or menopause, and only in the last decade has it been possible to do so just by taking a pill.

Nowadays, women who want or need to avoid having a period have several safe methods to choose from. All methods come with side effects, however, so it's important to do research and talk to your doctor before making any decisions.



Hormone-Based Birth Control


Hormonal birth control, such as the Pill or the patch, allows women to have a period as infrequently as once every three months. This is a great option for women who suffer from painful periods and don't want to become pregnant.


The Good: It's a completely reversible process. Once a woman stops using birth control, her period will return. This is ideal for women who wish to have children in the future, or who are looking for temporary period relief.


The Bad: It doesn't really stop a period, it just postpones it. And though they've decreased over the years, hormonal methods still tend to have side effects. Many women who try various types will find one that has few to no side effects, but it's a process of elimination. The most common side effects are nausea, headache, and mood swings, but more serious complications can occur.




A full hysterectomy involves the surgical removal of the uterus, cervix, and ovaries. This prevents a woman from having a period, and also makes her irreversibly sterile. It is sometimes used as a medical treatment for serious diseases and disorders of the reproductive organs. Because the entire reproductive system is removed, the woman will enter menopause regardless of her age.


A partial hysterectomy generally involves the removal of the just the uterus, leaving the ovaries in tact. Because the ovaries will continue to function, many women who undergo a partial hysterectomy will not go through immediate menopause, but will stop having menstrual cycles.


The Good: A hysterectomy is an invasive surgery that isn't normally performed as a method of birth control or period suppression. However, for women who have no other option, it's a permanent way to stop menstruation.


The Bad: Many women will have to take hormonal supplements after a hysterectomy, especially a full hysterectomy. This can be an inconvenience, and can also lead to unpleasant side effects. Also, in rare cases, a partial hysterectomy may fail to stop periods. The biggest down side is that it's irreversible, so if a complication occurs, or if it fails to treat the disease or stop periods, doctors cannot undo it. Most doctors don't recommend it unless it's in response to a medical need (such as treating cervical cancer).


If you suffer from severe menstrual pain, stopping (or at least delaying) your cycle may help. Generally, it's difficult for healthy women under 40 to find a doctor willing to perform a hysterectomy due to concerns that a woman may change her mind about having children, but also due to the extremity of the operation.


For most women, permanently stopping menstruation isn't a good option for avoiding pain and inconvenience. Until medical science advances farther, the best options are finding ways to manage pain and make periods more comfortable.

If you're not yet ready to stop your period and want to manage it better, look no further than Ruby Love period underwear! You can also shop our wide selection of period-proof swimwear, activewear, and more.


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