Can I Go Swimming on My Period?
Can I go swimming during my period? If you’re new to the menstrual cycle game, this might be a question that’s on the front of your mind, especially during beach season. While many might wonder about this answer to the question during the warmer months, there are millions of people who travel throughout the year, and those travels often lead to a beach or pool. Young girls might have this question, but there are tons of older women who don’t know the clear-cut answer to this question. We’re ready to answer this question for everyone today!
Shop hygiene fashion clothing and period swimwear There seem to be tons of myths surrounding whether or not a woman can go into a pool or swim while on her period. One myth states that a female shouldn’t go in the ocean while she’s on her period because her day at the beach will suddenly turn into a “Jaws” film. Let’s be very clear. Going into the ocean while on your period WILL NOT attract sharks more than usual.
The second popular myth states that your period stops while you’re in a pool. We’re not sure what kind of magical powers or sorcery this pool is performing on your body, but your period does not stop in a pool. Once this myth is debunked and women become aware that yes, you’re still on your period in a pool, many of them come back with the question, “can I go swimming on my period?” Are you ready for the answer? It’s YES! For some reason, society likes to put parameters on women. They tell us there are things we can’t do when in fact, we can! Your period can’t physically stop you from doing anything, and swimming is just one of the long list of everything that we can do. When it comes to swimming, all you need to do is make sure you’re wearing the proper hygiene product to keep you covered. Your first choice when choosing the proper product for swimming on your period might be a tampon. A popular option, this usually allows you to wear whatever kind of bathing suit you’d like. While this is true, be sure to change your tampon immediately after getting out of the water. It is possible for the tampon to absorb some of the water in the pool or ocean and you definitely don’t want to let that sit inside your body, so it’s best to change as soon as possible. Tampons might seem ideal, but their thicker counterparts - pads, definitely aren’t. Because of their thickness, they can easily prevent you from wearing the kind of suit you want. Instead of compromising your bathing suit, why not choose from a set of cute, stylish options that will keep you leak-proof for as long as you need? We all love options so why not choose between classic one-pieces and sexy bikinis? When it comes to PantyProp’s two-piece suits, the choice is yours. If you’re feeling fun and flirty, your options range from ruffles and flowers to eye-catching geometric patterns. While the bottoms might be your highest priority, we never sacrifice style! Your bikini tops are giving the classic, and sometimes dull, style a resting and pairing hem with criss-cross and halter top options. For those who would prefer a bit more coverage, you still don’t have to sacrifice your style. PantyProp’s one-pieces come in an array of designs from wild and dynamic prints to a multitude of designs which include one-shoulder and off-the-shoulder styles. To answer your question definitively, “can you swim while on your period?” YES, YES, and YES. You can do everything while on your period, and you don’t have to sacrifice your style for it. If you’re ready to jump in the deep end during your next period, just make sure you’re covered with a PantyProp swimsuit!
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